Sunday, June 19, 2011

Making Auras

BY: Asiatu Lawoyin

Cheerio Aura Art (toddlers-6 yrs)
Coffee Filter Aura Art (7 yrs +)

Cheerio Aura Art
-cut out pictures of any living thing (trees, plants, animals...)
-fruity cheerios (multicolored)

1.    Have the child glue the cut out pictures onto a piece of construction paper. The larger size works best with larger pictures.
2.    Glue one color of cheerios around the boarder of each picture. There is no limit to the layers. I used one layer but other layers can be added.

Themes that can be discussed while doing the art are auras, living versus non-living things, colors, and counting.
Animal Auras by Asiatu

Coffee Filter Aura Art

-coffee filters
-food coloring/liquid water
1.    Have the child glue the picture in the center of the FLATTENED coffee filter. Smaller pictures work best to fit the center.
2.    Use food coloring bottles and squeeze drops around the pictures one color at a time. The colors will run together giving a tie-dye look to it.
3.    The more colors you use the more radiant the aura. AFTER the filter is dried, glue the filter onto paper. Liquid watercolors can be substituted for the food coloring.
4.    Use a pipette to put the drops around the pictures.

Themes to be discussed are
auras, more complex color identity if using liquid water colors, and color combinations if the colors run together what new colors they make.

Bird Aura by Asiatu

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